
Thursday, May 5, 2011

SC Republican debate

     So I will be watching the debate tonight here in the sovereign capital of the bible belt (SC). Now that the resounding cries of  "Justice is Served" (tm) are dying down, maybe we can start discussing more important details like working on the deficit (mission impossible?) and revising our foreign policy. Tonight everyone will try to "out America" everyone else ( they supported the war on terror, yadda yadda) and distract everyone from the fact that we're screwed financially, and the whole world is laughing at us.
     We must endure a deeper recession before we can ever get out of this foreign debt that we have. We consume too much and produce not enough. We live beyond our means and sacrifice our future for the car the television says I should have. Meanwhile, the parade continues and everyone acts as if we can continue to sell our country in securities we'll only pay with freshly printed inflated dollars. A run on the dollar is closing in, and we're doing nothing to prevent it. I hope someone addresses these issues, and I'm pretty sure it will be Ron Paul. I'll be back later with comments on the debate.


  1. I can't watch the debate, so I will be waiting for your commentary!

  2. America- the land of consumers

    We need more people going in technical fields so we can start turning things around

  3. We need to get the budget under control—cut pork, find every last bit of program waste... not to mention that absurd defense budget. Until we do, the dollar will just continue to grow weaker and weaker at our government's own direction, as they scramble to print, print, and print some more.

  4. It's always nice to have extra commentary on important issues. Awesome.

  5. Looking forward to the commentaroy

  6. I'll drop a teaser here. I'll have to get to the follow-up tomorrow after my other job.

    Epic win. Ron Paul gets applause from a Republican SC audience talking about Heroin legalization and supporting gay marriage.

  7. I watched it, I supported Ron Paul and thought he did great
